Saturday, October 30, 2010
Love, Peace, and Isaiah 55 :)
For me to be blessed and at peace, I have only to look to You! You say to come when I am thirsty and hungry and You will nourish me. You will give my soul life - eternal life in You. I must only seek You, for You have made yourself readily available. You are Merciful God and pardon my sin, for Christ gave my soul freedom on the cross. Your ways are perfect, and higher than any other. Your will is perfect and You will never lead me astray. Your Word will accomplish what You set out to do, and we are only Your servants, here to do your task, be a light to the world, and dwell peacefully in you. In You, we find love, peace, and true Joy. Your world cries Your praises, and We should do the same! Thorns and briers will become pines and myrtles, and all the sin and torment in the world will melt away with your perfect Glory, forever and always. Thank you!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Haiti: Reflections
In the months leading up to the trip, Ashleigh and I worked hard to raise money, and I won't lie - at first, we wondered why God would allow us such an opportunity yet leave us without the funds to go. However, we decided to trust completely in him and let Him bring the money to us. He did. In the last few weeks, as we grew desperate and watched our college funds trickle away to pay for plane tickets, immunizations (what a miserable way to spend your money!), and passports, we had a sudden inflow of donations. We had made shirts to sell, of which we sold a countless number, and many left donations rather than taking their change. Family members and friends began sending checks, but what moved me the most was the donations from complete strangers - people who did not know me personally yet gave so that I could go. In the final week, we had enough to cover all of our expenses and then some. God knew what He was doing, and He simply wanted us to rely on Him for our finances - after all, HE is what this trip was about! I know I can trust God in anything, not just in preparing for a trip, but it was a wonderful reminder to His great glory and His complete control over everything in our lives. Thank goodness He does - I would be in trouble if I had to make every decision on my own!
We met several other missionaries in the Miami airport who were spreading all over Haiti to do different types of evangelical work and disaster relief. Organizations such as Global Outreach, Salvation Army, and World Race to name a few were all represented; the plane had only a handful of individuals not involved in a Christian group. It was incredible to see all the help Haiti was receiving...because of a disaster. The earthquake, which devastated the entire country and left millions homeless, had made people notice. While talking to our youth group of about 20, Ashleigh and I asked who ever thought about Haiti before the earthquake - only one young man raised his hand. Yet now, everyone has heard about it and many have been called to go. God has used this "suffering" to bring others to realization, much like we find with the blind man in John 9:2,3. God has a purpose in everything, and can use EVERYTHING for good, no matter how disastrous it may seem to us at the time.
I realized I have rambled on and have only discussed what we learned in our I will save the rest for another post. God Bless :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
HAITI: the final day :)
Yesterday and today were much alike as far as work goes, we simply worked our rounds with the clinic team. HOWEVER, things were made much more interesting when Amber, the summer missionary who we helped with filling the prescriptions, was whisked off to do another job and Ashleigh and I were left, alone, to work as the pharmacists. Thus, after two days of training, we had to read the doctors writing (isn't it known to be illegible?), and to make it worse we had to know what medicine it was that they were trying to write...not easy when you have Doxycycline, Chloroquin, Erythromycin, and literally a hundred more medicines with crazy names. So, I learned to say phrases like , "mwatye grenn avek manje chaksjou" (take 1/2 a pill with food every day), "yon fwa pa jou" (once a day), or "de grenn twa fwa pa ju" (two pills three times a day). But we met many people and played with the kids; most importantly, we have been able to shine a light and make memories we will never forget!
One of my favorite experiences besides the clinic was the marketplace we went to this evening. For half an hour we went to all the stalls set up and bartered, which was sooo much fun! A typical convo went like this:
Them: "hey! look! you buy, only $15!"
Me: "oh, bel, no, mesi."
Them: "I give you, for $10"
Me: " about 2 of them for $5?"
Them: "wi, wi! 2 for $5"
or my favorite:
Them: "Look, you buy for $20!"
Ashleigh: "how about $5?"
Them: "Ha!! No way. $12."
Ashleigh: "No, mesi. No." (walks away)
Them: (running after her) "oke, oke, $10! uhh..$8! $5!!"
Haha it was a blast, we would make a deal, then get them to throw in a couple more items for free. I ended up getting a big bag of woodwork and jewelry for under $ less than half and hour. Good thing we didn't have longer, or I would have terrible credit!
Tomorrow morning we leave the compound at 6 to escort the young girl who is a summer missionary back to the airport, and our flight leaves 3 hours later. It has been a wonderful experience, and I am excited to come back one day soon!
Love from Haiti,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
HAITI: Day 5
Love from Haiti,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Haiti: ORPHANGE :)
Anywho, about the orphange. it took us about an hour and half to get to the orphanage (maybe longer?) though we were too busy watching the people and towns go by to really notice how long it had been. There were about 80 orphans ranging in age from babies to probably about 8 or 9 years old. They we all waiting for us when we arrived, and not a single one was bashful. Nearly knocking us over, a stampede of toddlers ran to Ashleigh and I, giving us high-fives then promptly clinging to our long skirts. The next several hours were no different; we sat in the concrete room with the children as they received check-ups and took some outside in the concrete open space to play. Some children had incredible energy and were always laughing and smiling, but others were sick and sad-looking, not saying a word the entire time. One such baby girl, only about 3, became an extra appendage for me after a while - she was content to be held and carried around as I tried to amuse others. It broke our hearts to see these sick little children, with the older ones having to care for the younger ones. The workers, all very kind but understaffed, did not even know all the childrens' names, so we had to ask other kids in the orphanage. some babies were witting on beds all alone and sick, with no one watching them except our volunteers. It was a sad sight to see, and we did not want to have to leave the kids. Giving them beanies babies helped though - they adored their new toys, and they were able to pick from a hundred (literally) different animals.
Every one of us felt guilty for eating and drinking in front of the kids, and we only did it when we knew we had to in order to continue functioning at our best. As soon as Ashleigh and I reached for our sandwiches, about ten toddlers clung to our skirts and wailed as we ate. We knew they would be fed within the hour, but seeing the pain in their eyes and their bloated, hungry bellies made us want to cry along with them.
Soon we said our goodbyes, but hopefully not forever. Ashleigh and I will enter the mission field after college (with a few trips between), and a calling may be with an orphanage. We are still praying about what to major in; we want God to use us for what HE wants us to do in the field (and we would LOVE any prayers you would be willing to say for us!).
Today has been exhausting, so it is time for sleep. God bless, and please be praying for the Haitians and the children, and everyone else in the world who is not as fortunate as we are! (Though a note on that too - these people are so tuned into God and so caring of one another that I honestly don't know who is more fortunate.)
Love from Haiti,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
HAITI: Day 3 :)
The children were adorable, which only strengthened the resolve of Ashleigh and I to adopt children from third world countries. They were sooo precious! Mike, our 21-year-old Haitian translator who is a blast to be around, taught us some fun phrases to say to the kids:
"Kore m" - pound it (yes, the fist pound is popular everywhere haha)
"ou belle" - you're beautiful/cute/handsome, ect
"Mwen pa pale kreyol" - I do not speak Creole
* The languages spoken are French and Creole
*Creole is an auditory language - the people could not read or write so it is simply how they heard french. Thus, most words are written as they sound.
*There are no traffic laws, so the roadways can get hectic. However, most people are considerate and there are few accidents (so far that we have heard of).
*HILARIOUS: Randal was working construction, and a woman came by, handed him a baby, told him to "keep, have", and left. He held the baby for about 20 minutes before a boy came back to get the baby GIRL...saying it was his nephew! I wouldn't be surprised if half the babies in the country are raised by the wrong parents, but they are some of the most loved babies I have ever seen.
Love from haiti,
Haiti: Day 2
Before I start getting technical, let me hit where it really matters. The first thing we noticed about the people was their priorities. Many of those in the clinic would go claim a spot as early as 4 AM, and we didn't arrive to set up until 8. They would sit there quietly all day waiting to be seen, though many would not even have a chance to see a doctor, so they will be first Monday. Everyone was packed together, which in America would undoubtedly cause problems, but no one seemed to mind or even notice. the children were held by their parents and, aside from the few distended babies, the children were all well behaved. Women who needed to nurse their babies did so without shame or hesitation, as is similar in most countries other than America. All of these people simply wanted to be treated for their pains and medical issues, and would wait 12 hours if needed without complaint - yet it is difficult for Americans (including myself) to wait for even 12 minutes.
Our society is fast-paced and impatient, with fast food and fast cars and fast service. Yet somehow too many people continue to feel like they are missing something - not getting enough. If we slowed down and took time to find what was important rather than stuffing unnecessary fillers into our lives, we might find that we can finally feel fulfilled. Looking at these people who have nothing, I have seen that they have everything because they rely on God for every bit of what they have. If we did the same, we would always have enough.
Love from Haiti,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
HAITI: Beauty and Destruction
Tents are set up everywhere to provide shelter for Haitians. |
Tents are squeezed in any available space |
Garbage lines the roads |
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Devotion To God
So i'm taking a little break from my study of Ecclesiastes and going to write about a lesson my youth pastor gave in youth group last week. Since all i have to go off of it the notes i took i can't promise it will be a great post. But i think the notes i took are pretty powerful on their own so maybe i won't have to add much to them.
Devotion To God
The lesson opened with Titus 2:11-13 (check it out yourself )which says "11For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ."
What does it mean to be devoted to God?
Well to know what it means to serve God we must know why we should serve God.
We Were Created To Love God. By loving Him we are serving Him because the love we have for Him drives us to obey Him and do the things He wants us to do. Psalms 139:13-14 says "13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." check it out for yourself Just look at what God has done for us, He has made us fearfully and wonderfully. God created us with His own hands. That should be reason enough for us to love Him. God calls us to love Him in Deuteronomy 6:5 "5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." check it out for yourself By loving God we show our devotion to Him.
We Were Created To Serve God. Serving God is obeying Him and doing what He calls us to do to further His kingdom. We are to be disciples for Christ. Sharing God's love wherever we go. It should be evident in our lives that we are Christian. We should act in a way that people wonder why we're different. Worshiping God is also a way we can serve God, He calls us to do it. " 8Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only'"" Luke 4:8. Serving God is a way we show Him and other that we are devoted to Him.
Actions to consider...
- Desire God Beyond All Things
- "Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you." Psalms 73:25
- Sacrifice Everything For God
- Fail & Receive God's Grace and Instruction
- "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." John 1:8-9
- "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16
- Persist Even When It's Painful
- "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10
- Obey What I Already Know To Be True
- "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." Philipians 2:13
The comment Jimmy made about how Cody's life wouldn't get any better than it was at the moment she was with Justin should be like our devotion to Christ. We should have any better time in life than the times when we are devoted to God. It should bring us joy to be serving our God and Creator.
So what are you going to be devoted?
As always, if you have any questions or comments i would absolutely love to hear from you!! Email Me
God Bless,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Truth Among All The Evil In The World
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
There Could Never Be a More Beautiful You!!
In Christ Always,
Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's Been A While
Ecclesiastes 2:4-16
Solomon thought is he did good deeds, like farming, he would find the meaning to life. So he built houses for himself, planted vineyards, gardens, and fruit trees, and he made parks. He made reservoirs of water through everything he had done. He tired even more, he bought slaves and livestock. He acquired much gold and silver. He acquired singers and musicians. He became the wealthiest man is Jerusalem. Some say he was the riches man to ever walk the earth.
Anything and everything he wanted he made sure he got it. He was happy about his accomplishments. But when he looked back over everything he had done, it was all meaningless to him. It meant nothing to him.
Bible Gateway Passage Lookup Ecclesiastes 2:4-16
Ecclesiastes 2:17-23
Solomon hated life. The work her had done grieved him. He felt as if all he had worked for was nothing. Why work hard on something when people in generations to come would destroy it? He felt that all he had done was in vain.
Bible Gateway Passage Lookup Ecclesiastes 2:17-23
Ecclesiastes 2:24-26
Solomon believed that there was nothing better than to eat, drink, and be satisfied with your work. But although he believed this, he thought it was meaningless. Solomon mentions God for the first time in verse 24. Solomon tells us that satisfaction is from God, and that with out God we can't find enjoyment. God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness to those that please him. But to the sinner He gives a life full of toil. Solomon said that a life of toil is meaningless.
Bible Gateway Passage Lookup Ecclesiastes 2:24-26
I honestly don't think there is a whole lot to gain from these verses. But what i saw over and over is that if you work for God and do all the work you do for His glory you will live a satisfied and fulfilled life. So start trying to live for God and to do your work for His glory.
God Bless
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So that the end of Day 1 in the community! I know it skips thoughts easily, but I wanted it to be straight form the journal with a few exceptions because I felt the strongest and it was the freshest when I was writing it.
I know this is super long!! BUT I have another thought on my mind... over the weekend I was at a youth conference where a boy named Migel stood and talked about his life. He was a child that had absolutely no Hope and no God in his life. He was sponsored through Compassion International where his life was forever changed. Not only because he was given the oppurtunity to have an education, food, and clothing, but mainly because the letters that he waited for every month shared love and God with him. He told us how if he didn't get those letters or wasn't sponsored he would have never known Christ. He was told he was nothing and would never be anything, but ow he workd in Chicago as a missionary rescueing youth and children jsut as he had been rescued fifteen years before. It amazes me how something we do or say can change a life and a way of thinking. Just today I was sitting having luch with a friend of mine, Libby. We were talknig about God and jst stuff that was on our heart about our relationship with Him and churches today. Loosing track of time, many of the poeple had left the restaunt. We weren't paying attention to anyone else at all. We were talking, not even loud, to each other. When we were aobut to leave a man came up and told us how refreshing it was to here youth talking about God. I thought yeah its great, but then left it at that. Later I rememberd the situation again and talked to Libby about it and realized that we might have changed his perspective about youth. We might have influenced him to talk more about God, to tlak to his family about God and what He is doing in the lives of youth. Its hard to realize that EVERYTHING you do and say influences somebody whether in a good way or in a bad way. Even small things like talking to a friend could influence someone and could even hcange thier mind about God. It made me realize jsut how powerful my actions are. That maybe someone in that restaunt wsn't a Christ Follower and hearing us, changed his mind a tiny bit about God. So my point is that every action and word can be used for God's Glory and to remember that poeple do pay attention to you so not only remember to surround yourself with Godly things, but also you can use small things like eating with a friend to influence someone and change someones life! Every moment can be used to glorify God. :) thats it for my long message! Thanks for listening.
-Until all know Him,
Ashleigh Akinyi :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
- Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4
- Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:4
- We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair ...
2 Corinthians 4:8
- For God is not the author of confusion but of peace ...
1 Corinthians 14:33
- ~*~*~*~*~*~
- Love In Christ Always,
- Hilary
- And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
- Romans 8:28
- ~*~*~*~*~*~
- The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.
Proverbs 24:16
- ~*~*~*~*~*~Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
- Psalm 23:4
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Haiti Earthquake
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
What you're about to read is something one of my best friends wrote. She did an analysis, i guess, on a song called "The New Breed" by Oh, Sleeper. It's a Christian hard core
"The New Breed.
This is what God has shown me through this song. Feel free to post what you think down in the comments section - I'd love to hear your thoughts!
"Reclaiming thrones, our generations pride,
Sits a conformist ploy to strip what burns inside.
Our bodies yearn to live life endlessly, so now we rise. We rise in mutiny.
We make our stand here between the angels and animals.
We fear nothing here, where we can beat any feat set to keep us crawling.
We're calling you here to give leave to destruction of fear
And stand tall against all who will dare to shake you. Don't let them shake you.
"Stand strong, where I could not, please stand strong"
Oh please, this plea, dear God, let it not from my lips be conceived.
So grip your fist and swing until your knuckles bleed.
If you are the new breed scream, "I am immortal!"
We can't sit quietly because there's more to life than we see.
So if you are the new breed scream, "I am immortal in you!"
This is the call of the new breed.
I want to feel what change your glory brings.
Please teach me life lived fearlessly and I swear I'll make a stand here,
Between the angels and animals and fear nothing.
Here, where I can be more than mortal and fight for a kingdom that answers to no one.
But I just can't breathe without you in the air and I won't, so rip out these lungs...
And for my heart, you can cut it from my chest.
Oh God, if that's what you want, for me to feel life endlessly...
I'll breathe your blood for the rest of my life.
So grip your fist and swing until your knuckles bleed.
If you are the new breed scream, "I am immortal!"
We can't sit quietly because there's more to life than we see.
So if you are the new breed scream, "I am immortal in you!"
We'll be death's dealers, if that's where you lead.
Anchored by glory, we rise in mutiny.
We are the new breed. We are the new breed.
We've come alive and we are moving."
- Oh, Sleeper
Lately this has become one of my favorite songs. Seriously, I cannot describe how much I love this song. It's easily one of my five favorite songs from 2009.
I love music that speaks to me. I love it when I can listen to a song and feel convicted to change the way I live. God really can speak through music - and He CAN speak through metal music. This song is proof.
"Sits a conformist ploy to strip what burns inside"
The devil is trying to steal "what burns inside". That fire that we, as Christians, are supposed to have. We can't let the enemy steal our fire.
"We fear nothing here, where we can beat any feat set to keep us crawling."
The devil wants to keep us down, he wants to keep us "crawling". But, guess what? We have authority over the devil because we have JESUS.
"Stand strong, where I could not, please stand strong"
When we're weak God is strong. When we can't stand in a certain situation - or we feel like we can't - WE CAN. God has given us the strength we need for every single battle that comes our way.
"We can't sit quietly because there's more to life than we see."
This line is one of my favorites.
There's more to this life than having fun. God has put us on this planet to serve Him. While we're here we need to let God use us. We need to bring souls to him. As corny as it sounds, we are on a mission to save the world. There are so many lost people out there and it's OUR job to lead them to Christ. We CAN'T sit quietly. We need to represent.
"Please teach me life lived fearlessly and I swear I'll make a stand here."
We can not live in fear. We need to learn to live fearlessly and let nothing stand in our way of preaching the gospel. When we live without fear we can make a stand for Christ.
"But I just can't breathe without you in the air and I won't, so rip out these lungs, and for my heart, you can cut it from my chest. Oh God, if that's what you want, for me to feel life endlessly, I'll breathe your blood for the rest of my life."
I want passion like that. I want to be where I can genuinly say that if I'm not following God then I want him to rip out my lungs - that I want to DIE if I'm not putting Him first. Those are powerful lyrics. Man.
"Anchored by glory, we rise in mutiny."
Mutiny means "revolt or rebellion against authority." Yes, rebellion against authority. But, guess what? ANCHORED BY GLORY. We're not rising against Christ - we're rising against the world and the things of the world. Christ must be the center of EVERY move we make.
"We are the new breed. We are the new breed. We've come alive and we are moving."
We need to move, and we need to move for Christ.
Make 2010 the year that you stand stronger than ever for Christ. Don't let Satan get you down. You have authority over him. Let God make you strong in your weaknesses. STAND STRONG."
God Bless!