Saturday, January 9, 2010

Washed whiter than snow!

     First off, I am excited to introduce two new authors, Jylian and Daniel.  Jylian has already posted (her insight was wonderful!), and Daniel will begin soon.  There are a couple of others who we are expecting to join us soon!  It is simply wonderful to be able to share this experience with my good friends, and though I can't speak for the others, writing for this blog has only brought me closer to Christ and deepened my relationship and understanding of Him.

     We had a snow day at school yesterday, and there has been a thick layer of snow on the ground since Thursday evening. As Jylian said, this snow simply radiates God's beauty in everything - both through the uniqueness of each snowflake and through the sparkling beauty of all the snowflakes blended together.  As I looked at the dazzlingly white snow blanketing the earth this morning, I thought of how pure the land looked compared to its usual brown, dead appearance common in the winter.  Reflecting upon my spiritual life, I thought of how the snow is analogous to Christ's redemption.  In Christianity, the color white is widely known as a symbol of purity and cleanliness, and Christ died so that we could be made pure in heart and spirit.  Psalm 51:7 says, "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow!" We were once dead in spirit, but Christ has covered us in our blood, so that God sees not the brown deadness of the soul, but the dazzling white which has made us new!  We have been "Washed by the Water", as says the song by Needtobreathe.  So, whenever you see snow, think about what Christ has done for YOU, his child.  He dies so that you could be whiter than snow; all you must do (if you haven't already) is accept Him as your Savior!
May you be Blessed!

In Christ Always,

*photo from

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